Our certificates
Quality assurance, sustainability and responsibility for the environment are important to us.
We therefore make sure that we treat our resources with care and mainly use regional and seasonal ingredients from local producers. The following products are always organic: milk, whipped cream, curd cheese, yoghurt, roasts, calf’s liver and eggs. Our chicken and pork is exclusively sourced from Austria, and we also make sure that our other suppliers have an awareness of sustainability.
We regularly perform internal and external checks in order to be able to work in the interest of the environment, quality and process security. Certifications help us take all aspects into consideration and allow us to pay closer attention to the relevant areas.

The Austrian eco-label
We are committed to sustainability on all levels, for the benefit of people and the environment!
As a reliable partner to our customers and suppliers, our purchasing policy promotes as much as possible regional and seasonal produce, the economical use of resources and the avoidance of waste.
We regard environmental policy as an important management task, which we perform with responsibility. We know that we can only act sustainably in all areas of our business as part of a team. Treating each other with respect is an important part of our company philosophy. We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind and we ensure that our staff are treated fairly and equally.
We regularly discuss, inform and train on all levels to continuously improve our environmental protection measures and use of resources to maintain our Austrian eco-label certification for tourism companies.

Energy management: ISO 50001
The ISO 50001 standard ensures that the energy management system of a company meets modern requirements. Careful energy management is particularly important to us. Our energy management system helps us to sustainably reduce energy consumption – through continuous energy savings, renewable energy sources, using energy sensibly and through training and raising energy awareness amongst our staff.
This benefits the environment and saves costs.
Quality management system: ISO 9001
The ISO 9001 standard is the most important quality management standard, both nationally and internationally. The process-oriented quality management system subjects all key operational processes to rigorous scrutiny. We continually optimise our services and the transparency of our processes and minimise errors.
Food safety: ISO 22000
The international standard ISO 22000 is a global food safety management system standard. A lack of hygiene and its negative impact on food safety can lead to life-threatening diseases. Furthermore, spoiled food and damage during storage cause unimaginable losses. For this reason, the ISO Standard EN ISO 22000 (“food safety management system, requirements for organisations throughout the food chain”) specifies requirements for a food safety management system to ensure products are safe at the time of consumption and to enhance customer satisfaction.

“Natürlich gut essen” (eating well naturally)
“Natürlich gut essen” companies actively contribute to environmental protection and animal welfare.
The award’s transparent criteria also provide orientation and incentive for consumers, which means it can be actively used for marketing activities. The award is granted once and is renewed regularly provided inspections show that the criteria continue to be met.
The initial verification as well as compliance with the criteria are guaranteed by BIOS Austria.
The organic certification inspection takes place once a year and is unannounced.

BIOS AT-Bio-401
Organic is becoming more and more popular. For this reason, we want to call attention to which products we source in organic quality. So that you can be sure that organic really means organic, independent inspections are carried out, such as by the “Biokontrollservice Österreich” certification body.

AMA Genussregion Gastronomie
The “Qualitäts- und Herkunftsrichtlinie für die Gastronomie” (quality and sourcing guideline for the food service industry) certification is a clear and transparent quality system for the restaurant trade that stands for freshly made food and regional sourcing of raw ingredients.